Back in 1946, our founder accidentally came up with a delicious invention – now popularly known as the “Chimichanga”. Every year, we continuously celebrate this Arizona staple and while celebrating our 75th Anniversary, 2021 was no different. We decided it was time to put our Chimichanga talents to the ultimate test and attempt a GUINNESS WORLD RECORD for Longest Chimichanga.
What started as just an idea at the end of 2020, quickly became a reality and something we knew would be much bigger (literally) than expected. Especially after we signed on with GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS and learned all of the requirements and guidelines we would need to follow – they are pretty specific! Planning and execution for this included; a custom 30 foot deep fryer built from handwritten drawings, coordination of 30+ people to be involved, donations from some of our loyal partners, a sleepless night for a handful of teammates and most importantly, teamwork. This was quite the challenge for our team but I am proud to say they truly stepped up.
On September 25th, 2021 our Macayo’s team successfully built, deep fried and served a Chimichanga weighing in at 1,200 pounds! We are so thankful to our team for all of their time and effort in making this happen.
Now, it’s official! On September 28th, 2021, we received the official approval from GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS.
Longest Chimichanga, by the numbers! 25 Feet, 7 Inches by 20 Inches Wide. Built with 432 each Flour Tortillas, 537 pounds Shredded Chicken, 220 pounds Refried Beans, 365 pounds Mexican Rice, 21 gallons Relleno Sauce, 25 pounds Sour Cream, 30 pounds Mixed Cheese, 7 pounds Pico de Gallo and was fried in 700 gallons Soybean Oil.